Details about the associates on your team can be found in various parts of Smart Access. In this article you will learn how to:
Navigating to Your Team
Associates you manage, supervise, or are assigned to work areas you manage are defined as Your Team and require the Team Leader permission to view or edit details for any associate.
Your Team can be accessed by navigating to the Team icon on the left side navigation of the portal or bottom navigation of the frontline app.
Searching for associates
Associates can be searched by searching their name or username through the search bar located at the top of both the frontline dashboard and portal.
Using filters to isolate important data
The expanded team view in the portal can be sorted and filtered by several dimensions including viewing the entire building roster and including associates that roll up to your direct reports. Team Leaders can search or filter to any associate at their primary or available locations.
Understanding shift/key designations
Work shift/key are user attributes that may be synced with an integrated Time & Attendance or HRIS and may be managed outside of the scope of Smart Access data. If you see erroneous data for associates on Your Team, please work with Your Organization's Smart Access Administrator.
Team Leaders with User Management permissions can update the associate shift/key from within User Management